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tv   Good Morning Washington 600  ABC  March 30, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> marketing 30 years since the shot.ent was good morning washington continues right now. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> good morning, washington. it is 6:00 on this wednesday, march 30. i am scott thuman. >> i am alison starling. thanks for joining us. time for traffic and weather every ten minutes. lisa baden in a moment. we start with adam caskey. cold and damp. that will be the main next couple the days. will warm up slowly next few days. l have drained off and on as a few wet snowflakes today especially later this morning. we should see more development area later this morning through the next couple days. now the district, temperatures dropping a little. 39 atmartinsburg,
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culpeper. near 40 today with areas of rain mixing with wet snow ne.imes, light rain and sprinkles with temperatures in 40's.w newschopper 7 is flying the baltimore-washington near 175, notsa, bad. side ofnd is the right the screen. deadlights heading north toward baltimore. distraction at 175 and nsa. other side of town looks good. this is 395 near edsall road. now to news. to check the forecast any, log on to
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a fredericks students under arrest, accused of bringing a school.un to >> this happened yesterday at school andigh trying toors are why he came to class armed. brianne carter has the story. >> a 15-year-old high school student faces gun charges after brought a loaded weapon to class. >> it is kind of scary that someone brings a gun to school. >> around lunchtime the student discovered concealing a 22 caliber revolver in his clothing. school principal sent out an e-mail about the incident. "he indicated that he felt he connectioner in a previous altercation at school and needed protection on walk home." the students never threatened anyone. >> that is very sad that someone bring a guneed to protect themselves.
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say to the scanning thing and check the specs, but would create an uproar with that hissaying privacy. virginia tech penalized for o long to notify during the 2007 shooting rampage. the education department has finedyesterday it school $55,000, the maximum amount allowed. university officials say they appropriately and plan to appeal. today marks the one-year anniversary of the mass shooting street on march 30 in 2010. four victims died. a candlelight vigil will be neighborhood. it is a call to action, 30 at brandywine and south capitol street in southeast. new developments overnight crisis in libya. gaddafi opposing troops pushed fighters in two town.
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international leaders are weighing their options. pushed back troops rebel fighters. the tug-of-war in libya continues. todays are losing ground that they recently gained -- rebels are losing ground. gaddafi forces pounded them. there's more debate among whetherional leaders on rebels.he nato said to take command of military operations today, obama insists the noose is tightening around neck, but many s want more clear-cut about the end goal and exit strategy. president obama says ousting gaddafi to military action is the wrong approach. lawmakers say waiting for leave isn leader to leaving the u.s. involvement
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open-ended. there will be closed door congress with clinton and state defense secretary robert gates. face tough questions this morning. back to you. >> thank you. problems increased at the japanese nuclear power plant. were drenched with e water despite wearing waterproof suits. radiation levels in seawater plant are thousands of times higher than normal, which is a sign were contaminated water is reaching near the -- is reaching the ocean. president obama will go to georgetown university later this morning to outline his plan for creating clean sources of energy. last night hundreds of students get tickets for today's speech. dc's cherry blossoms are at bloom for a second day.
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weather does not appear to have hurt them. the people is expected to last friday. the annual cherry blossom parade is april 9. te festival will be april 10. 44 degrees outside. >> still ahead, ranking the healthy we are. >> speaking out about an alleged trading scandal. d.c.morning ahead schools is on the defense. >> another check on traffic and weather every 10 minutes. we will be right back. from mccafé are real fruit,
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as in strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and bananas, which makes them really delicious. ♪ that's what we're made of. ♪
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with the fertilizer that gives you the most for your money. scotts turf builder. unlike bargain brands, which have up to 40% sand, sawdust, even gravel, turf builder has no filler. it's 100% food, for a deep feeding you can e, feel, and enjoy. for a lawn that can't be beat, get a fertilizer that can't be copied. scotts turf builr. now is the time to feed and prevent crabgrass. use scotts turf builderer with halts. now is the time to feed and prevent crabgrass. more bold flavor!onds! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack.
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the national gallery of art e greatest collection of original sculptures of edgar including his most "the little dancer, age 14." come down and see her. good morning, washington. 9, time to look at the forecast. >> adam caskey is outside on this wednesday. it is cold. >> not as cold as a yesterday morning, but today will be very different than yesterday overall. getting into an unsettled pattern over the next couple days. that means areas of rain and a few wet snowflakes developing later this market. temperatures are in the 30's and
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low 40's. -- snowflakes developing later this morning. in spots.n a call there will be rain off and on with wet snowflakes. isolated rainshowers tomorrow. afternoon temperatures in the 40's. in the low 40's for high temperatures yesterday. is 60.rage high a warming trend in the seven-day forecast. plenty of traffic on 66 in manassas and centreville. at 50 fair oaks there is the shoulder. 66 near route 50 going eastbound. 95 track and would bounce in virginia, a pretty slow leaving at the occoquan river. beltway @e on the
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good to andlooks american legion bridge mormon temple. beltway near the toll road is good. on 395 at king street. back to you. >> thank you. a d.c. high school will visitor first lady michelle obama " visit and a high school as part mentoring initiative in of women's history month. speak with students pursuing career goals and achieving their potential. a number of prominent women will other area schools r talks.simila 6:11, 44 degrees. >> the earthquake in japan's the automotive industry, a parts shortage keeps spreading. >> did d.c. schools help students cheat on standardized tests? the schools chancellor, coming up. kids, is behavior in
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linkdye?ink to -- -- to food dyes? rtis: welcome back to geico radio, it's savings, on the radio. gecko: caller steve, go right ahead. steve: yeah, um, i just got a free rate quote on, saved a ton, and it only took me 5 minutes and 12 seconds! steve: i was wondering, is that some sort of record? gecko: that's a good question. let's have a look. curtis: mmmm, not quite. someone's got you beat by 8 seconds. gecko: still, i mean, that's... that's quite fast! steve: well, what if i told you i only used one hand? anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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welcome back. texting our top stories. a 15-year-old high school charges after authorities say he brought a loaded gun to school. y atappened yesterda school inhigh frederick. arrested after fellow students turned him in. police say the student told them needed a weapon for protection. forces loyal to libyan gaddafi arear a newly back against resurgent rebel force. nato prepares to of military
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operations there. world leaders are debating to give weapons to the rebels. the fda will meet with at whetheray to look coloring worsens someior problems in children. noicials say there's andtitive link between problems, but they may warning label a should be included on products coloring. the u.s. house is set to afternoonill this would revive a school voucher program. for d.c. program the program subsidizes private school education. phasing out the in 2009, but house speaker john boehner wants to bring it back. the bill would increase the up to $12,000 to per student. d.c. schools chancellor kaya henderson is defending teachers a greatents after scandal. found some tests s ofed unusually high number changedthat had been
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to the right answer. is here with details. >> good morning. the story describes how more than 100 d.c. schools had an erasure rateh g answers were answersnd the right were filled in. play?ere foul d.c. schools chancellor kaya henderson is not a chance. this woman's son is at headstart noyestheast but at with a standardized test scores don't suspiciously. in 2006 only 10% of students or in math. later, a 58% of students did so. nothing good for the kids. >> that earned the school boards teachers bonuses. did the students cheeked? -- cheat? >> these teachers and students worked so hard. fully investigated and
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been absolved. now their reputations are in question. their integrity is questioned having a trial by media when actually we did the right thing. a fulld for investigation. >> she says in 2009 the district hired an independent , the best in the business, to look into the possibility. nothing.d she instead attributed the gains bychanges put in place former schools chancellor michelle rhee. >> we actually believe many of place have put in gains inhe kind of achievement that we are seeing. confidenceer private investigation, asked the inspector the district to own investigation now. news around the region, george's county council
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is weeksslie johnson from another court appearance. report she will enter plea on corruption charges on may 4. h evidence charged wit tampering and federal conspiracy. husband, former county johnson, faces similar charges. fairfax county officials names for eight new metro rail the extension out to dulles airport. 1ey are tysons-mclean, tysons two, tysons central, tysons- ,road, reston-wiehle center,-rest and west, a herndon-dulles east. a new skyscraper sets a record, and an auto parts shortage keeps spreading. peggy bunker has those stories and more. >> we begin with home prices nearing new lows. new report finds prices fell 3%
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in january in the nation's 20 cities. many analysts expect prices will farther, dipping s ago the low set two year during the recession. court leaning towards projecting a sex discrimination class-action lawsuit against walmart. the justices feel the lawsuit retailer. to the parts shortages are spreading japanese auto makers. toyota said on tuesday to the u.s. dealers to stop ordering t parts.en and honda is trying to conserve parts. tallest hotel opened kong on tuesday. the ritz-carlton occupies the floors of the international commerce center. 118 floors. rooms have great views of the city. time to check on a mixed bag forecast.
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>> people don't want this during year.ime of sprinkles the next couple days. getting into an unsettled weather pattern. areas of rain and a few wet snowflakes later today. rain off and on all the way saturday, light rain. break on sunday. then it happens again. have improvements in the department early week. first, winter weather advisory not for the metro area. most of our region is not in this advisory. out west in west virginia, maryland, in the higher elevations they could pick up 3 especially along tops as this system moves into our region. have the upper level energy and a few observers low fewsure systems and a through on the next couple days. advisory for today and this evening. district, 39 in culpeper
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and manassas. frederick at 34 along with martinsburg. the rain showers are still off to our west and southwest. to see a little development and action morning close to 10:00 a.m. could have areas especially off to the west. otherwise the majority of the will be in the rainof rain today, cold d on throughout the day. few brief times whatwe will have snowflakes. tomorrow, just a few spotted rain showers throughout the day. it's the nationals home opener tomorrow. layers and bring rain gear. you should wear that to the game. near 40 this afternoon. temperatures will drop a bit locally. stepping up toward the next couple days. be unsettled all the way
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with spottyrday showers, but temperatures by sunday under sunshine will be in upper 50's. by monday and tuesday. and back at it again in terms of partchances by the early next week. that's it for the forecast. how is the commute? heavy volume of traffic. route 4 leading woodyard road up but open tose road, that would take you to force base and into the southeast. your 50, a little bit of of bowie.headed out ok headed to the new carrollton station. larval, building in volume. looks good inside the beltway. laurel, looks good. there's a delay growing at boulevard on 270. into virginia on the green way even 28toll road and looks good.
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66 and 95, normal volume out of manassas, in fair oaks, and 95 g dale city. metro rail is on normal service. 6:21 is the time. >> comparing local counties health. >> today on "oprah," 1970's icon .o derek, at 4:00 on abc 7 [ computerized voice ] do you take this woman
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to be your lawfully wedded wife? [ beep ] ♪ ♪ [ beep ] [ whirring ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] when did customer service go from above and beyoney to just under and short? the world seems to be moving in one direction. we decided not to follow.
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the d.c. area has some of healthiest counties. >> that's good. the university of wisconsin's population health institute says fairfax, and loudoun among the healthiest in virginia. frederick and montgomery are healthiest counties in maryland. the institute ran expressed or does county and the district as unhealthy. -- the institute has ranked george's county and the unhealthy. an help th being banned from bottles because it can cause neurological issues. the maryland senate is going coulde on a bill that
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overase the alcohol tax years and would give an extra $9 million to prince george's county schools. the senate approves, it will house.he another half-hour of good morning washington ahead. close call, how the region will mark 30 since a would-be attacker kill the president. >> rebels losing ground in two key towns in libya. a live report coming up. >> in the belfort furniture tracking ther, unsettled weather pattern. th
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live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> it is kind of scary that .omeone brings a gun to school >> straight ahead, a loaded gun frederick county classroom. disturbing details and the
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to see.needs morning, washington. wednesday, march 30. i am alison starling. >> i am scott thuman. that in a moment. we begin with traffic and weather. is in the weather center. cold and damp forecast. >> cold rain developing later this morning. and what snowflakes probably as rain.nd then that's through the next several days as an unsettled weather pattern takes shape. degrees in rockville, 37 in leesburg. 41 in la plata. 31 in cumberland. 39 in winchester. temperatures holding steady. around 40 pretty much rest of the day. there are areas of precipitation later thiso area morning and off and on .hroughout the day somewhat snowflakes will be mixed in. there's no stimulation.
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accumulation will be confined to elevations and rich virginia andern western maryland. temper tuesday near 40 degrees. of rain off and on. in the mid 40's tomorrow. metro will reporting normal service. volume around the beltway. betweenn the inner loop --ddock road band it looks good on the beltway at the wilson bridge. good at the american legion bridge. troubles on the dulles toll road. fairfax and prince william quiet. it's , thatecondary roads tha is. and gude drive, looking at bad.ic, not out of gaithersburg and rockville, moving well. now to news. >> tracking adam caskey's forecast any time of day, log on
6:32 am page at turning to our other big a scare at aday, frederick county high school. a fredericks high school. year-old brought a loaded gun to tuscarora high school. brianne carter has details. >> good morning. frederick county school they have never this wheredent like a student allegedly brought a the school. the 15-year-old student is in iskville at the center and a hearing before judge pierre this happened yesterday lunchtime. before a judge. is happened yesterday around lunchtime.
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the student was found hiding a revolver in his clothing. he felt he was in danger in with a previous altercation. the students never threatened anyone. s some questions about safety and security among students and parents. many of the students did not the incident until school day was over. the student and now faces a n charges and is o face a judge later today. g live, brianne carter, abc 7 news. >> we have more fall out for connectionch in with the 2007 shooting rampage. the u.s. education department says the school waited too long to notify students. result, the school's $55,000. allowed.he maximum university officials say that appropriately and plan to appeal. was 30 years ago today that we nearly lost a president.
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president reagan was shot and left thes he in northwest.ton several other people were also shocked. chargedckley, the man assassinating reagan was by reason oflty insanity. remains at san elizabeth's in southeast. jim brady and his obamaill urge president and congress to approve new laws for dangerousder people to get their hands on guns. following developments this morning from libya. fighters have retreated from a key city. forcesr gaddafi 's of a down rebels out y it got control of just days
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ago. >> the tide is turning in parts of libya. rebels are being pushed out of two key towns. the setback, world leaders insist they are gaining in their military effort. rebels in libya are outmatched in training and in gaddafi's hometown .f sirte certificatio >> there could be legitimate country of arms if a were to choose to do that. >> we are there to protect people, not to arm people. >> with nato set to take command, president obama says aroundse is tightening neck.i's >> we are going to keep applying hopefully he will get the message soon. >> how long will it take for the down and the u.s. to leave?
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those are questions many lawmakers are still asking. >> if adopted does not leave, will nato be there to enforce a no-fly zone? if gaddafi' does not leave. >> there will be in closed-door with members of secretary clinton as defense secretary gates among others. brown reporting, abc 7 news. in japan they face new toblems as they try crippled nuclear power plant. say three workers were watered with radioactive despite wearing waterproof suits. a level of real active iodine in the sea water near the plant is times higher than normal. tim kaine is facing more a bid for theke u.s. senate next year.
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president obama urged him to run during a democratic party fund- raiser in new york last night. virginia democrats are pushing to seek the seat held by jim webb. 6:36 on this wednesday, 43 degrees. >> still ahead, more trouble in skies, and other air traffic for allers suspended safety violation. the first celebrity to leave the ballroom. >> doug hill as your weather. back.l be right captioned by the back.l be right captioned by the na more bold flavor!onds! more variety! more value! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds. (play-by-play announcer) it's up and it is... good! more than a snack.
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at a university with 20 years of experience combining classroom and online teaching. and a 15 to 1 student to faculty ratio... to make learning more... personal. today, she runs a thriving tutoring company that offers kids the same individualized attention she had. my name is beatrice hair, i teaed hundreds of kids one on one, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the college of education at
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i think we've reached our peek for the day. some some 406s south of the metro area. temperature, 40 degrees.
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there's the moisture, a lot of it to the south. we will have periods of rain developing later this morning. spots and times when wet snow flakes are mixed in. there will be rain for us. by the time it tapers off. we look at totals here. a little bit of mix and spotty showers tomorrow. we'll look at that and into the weekend a little more for you coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you very much. >> lisa, how is the wednesday commute so far.
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a little bit of distractions but lanes are open going through. across the bridge and onto the dulles toll road also good. more to come but now back inside. >> lisa. we have 44 degrees. more coming up on the federal ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] with amazing innovation, driven by relentless competition, wireless puts the world at your command. ♪ [ alarm sounding ] ♪
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[ woman ] please say "one" to speak to a representative. one. one. [ sneezes ] a little off the sides. [ scissors snipping, razor buzzing ] ♪ no! [ male announcer ] these days, it's hard to find good customer service. thankfully, there's still one place that gets it right. >> this morning, a new scarey incident in the skies. another air yoeler mishap. this one happened sunday over central florida.
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a controller sent a jam packed passenger jet on an unplanned side trip. >> another air traffic controller is under hot water. sustain sfended for sending a passenger jet on a dangerous recon mission. more than 140 people on board. flight 821 was preparing to land in orlando. about ten miles ahead, a private plane that had been out of radio contact. the crew was asked to fly toward the smaller plane and take a look. pilots agreed and reported two people in the cock pit. the problems, the planes were too close. by doing so, "air traffic controller compromised the safety of everyone involved." the incident was totally appropriate. >> just two weeks ago, the lone
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controller fell asleep. he was also suspended. the us airways plane that was grounded after a bullet sized home was grounded. a pilot found that hole during apre flight inspection. a number of things could have caused it including birds or even normal wear and tear. >> several woman who worked at wal-mart claim they were denied promotions and equal pay due to their gender. >> before i got promoted, i asked what i needed to do, i was told to blow the could be webs
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off my make up and doll up. >> attorneys argue that the experiences of a few women even if true are not typical of what happened to more than 1 million other employees. the supreme court is inspected to issue an expected ruling by this summer. >> in today's politico minute, more on spending. >> we know there are huge gaps between the democrats and republicans on the budget. >> we had the majority speaker saying he's not willing to go along with another temporary bill. he wants something more long
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term in place. this does not bowed well for republican unity as they attempt to 0 do something. >> now to see it with other republicans has to be a real red flag. we have a week and a half until the next deadline. it is possible that this is a case of it is always darkest before the dawn. >> we talked about donald trump. he presented his birth certificate that was real, then not real and now it is real again. what we have seen is what we could expect.
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it's going to be quite the side show to this race. maybe i'm wrong and we will see president trump in a y and a half. but for the most part, it looks like he's here for entertainment value. >> so it appears he has presented his real birth certificate? >> this appears to be the case. >> getting right to our chief meteorologist. >> it is going to be a nice morning. as we get through mid morning, late morning, it's all going to change. getting you up to what is happening. slow flying sea gulls. i don't know how they do that. some sunshine increased by cloudiness. 44 degrees at reagan national
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airport. no push of icy wind here. not quite cold enough to give us some snow storms. they'll stabilize or maybe even drop a degree or two a day. we'll have two mainlior disturbances to the south. one today, tonight and tomorrow morning. most the heavy storm activities will be well to the south. we'll see enough rain to get things interesting here cold air over head will provide snow chances. probably not an issue until you get out higher. most of us will see rain. we'll see temperatures climb but it will take a while for that to hatch. when we get road of the present two systems here.
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rain, a little snow and a mix. a few spotty showers. a look at early april weather for you in a couple of minutes. >> thank you. >> any big problems, lisa? >> no. not even metro rail. we had a car broken down at the exit at maryland, route 50. managed to flip on to the shoulder. outer loop, 95, georgia, avenue. 270 did have a minor crash. we'll go there in a moment. first camera is going to show us the pace from springfield to get to the pentagon. that's normal. now over 270, this is the minor crash in the safety zone. we'l
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>> the 15-year-old frederick
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high school students will face charges today. he said he needed the weapon for protection. >> nato is expected to take control of forces in libya today. world leaders are now considering whether to arm those rebels. >> prince harry is in norway training to join wounded soldiers for a hike to the north pole. third in line to the throne, he'll be with the team the first three weeks. >> the first celebrity left the ball room last night on dancing on the stars. >> mike and lacy. >> you heard it, hanging up his dancing shoes. >> judges scores and fewer votes
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knocked him out. the remaining ten teams will take on competition net week. sugar ray leonard hangs on for another week. >> let's take a look at traffic and weather. doing a little tap dancing on the 270. this action in the center of the road. the action on the weather side now. there will be more action as we go through the rest of the day and tonight. unsettled weather, not what we wanted to see during peek bloom for cherry blossoms. some wet snow mixed in periodically. notice how temperatures slowly warm up, even despite the chances of rain over the next couple of days.
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back into the mid to upper 50's. we should be talking 60's early next week. that will do it for us this morning. more news
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